Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sudoku Skirt

sugar snap 112
Originally uploaded by gock's frocks

Not only can you incorporate a Sudoku puzzle theme into a quilt but it also works well in clothing :-). Isn't this outfit divine!!! Handcrafted by Gock's Frocks using the sudoku skirt and orvokki jersey blouse patterns from Ottobre Design issue 1/2009.

For more kaleidoscope of colour visit Gock's Frocks' blog, she's celebrating 200 posts with a 'Great Give Away'.


  1. You see, now I want something that you have in your magazine. It is wonderful! I never thought about using a Soduku pattern in a quilt or in clothing. I love your blog!

  2. I've seen a few Soduku quilts but this is the first time I've seen the pattern on any clothing. Very interesting and nice color choice.
